Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge)

 A Kimberley Gem in Wunaamin Conservation Park

Dalmanyi, also known as Bell Gorge, beckons with its breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders. Operated by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions Parks & Wildlife Services, this pristine destination offers a captivating blend of camping, hiking, and awe-inspiring scenery.

Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge) is conveniently situated 29 kilometers along Silent Grove Road, making it easily accessible for those seeking an escape into the Kimberley's natural beauty. The campground at Dulundi Silent Grove provides a convenient base for exploration. Rangers are typically in residence from May to November, ensuring a guided and enriching experience.

The park's seasonal conditions dictate its availability, with closure typically from November to mid-May. During the open season, camping enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the tranquility of this natural haven.

A 1.5-kilometer return walk from the car park at Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge) unveils a spectacular view of the creek just above the waterfalls. The cascading water creates a mesmerizing display over layered sandstone rocks. Caution is advised near the edges, as there is a significant drop to the pool below. The trail may have slippery and uneven surfaces, particularly when entering the water, so wear sturdy non-slip footwear for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge) in Wunaamin Conservation Park invites you to immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of the Kimberley. From camping under the stars to exploring the mesmerizing gorge, every moment promises an unforgettable encounter with Western Australia's pristine wilderness

Park Regulations:
To preserve the park's natural balance, unauthorized drone use and domestic animals are strictly prohibited within the park's boundaries. Visitors are encouraged to check current alerts at https://alerts.dbca.wa.gov.au for any updates or important information.

Contact Information:
- Phone: 08 9195 5500
- C/- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions Parks & Wildlife Services